Device Loaning & Resource Library

iPad and Laptop Loaning Programme
AphasiaNZ has iPads and laptops which have been donated to us or purchased using grants and donations, for Friends of AphasiaNZ to borrow for home practice and self-directed or SLT-supervised learning.
The aim of our loaning programme is to provide the means for people with aphasia who are at home or in the community to have access to aphasia therapy apps under the guidance and recommendation of a Speech-language Therapist (SLT).
- Devices are NOT available for the purpose of enabling augmentative or alternative communication (AAC) for people with aphasia
- Devices are NOT available to inpatients i.e. people in a hospital or a rehabilitation facility after a recent stroke.
- If the person with aphasia already has an iPad/device at home, or lives with a spouse or carer who has a device, they are not eligible for the loaning programme.
Please note the following:
- AphasiaNZ does not provide therapy for people with aphasia and currently does not employ or contract any SLT services
- The assessment of a person with aphasia’s ability to use an iPad or laptop as a means of augmentative or alternative communication (AAC) in New Zealand is carried out by an ATANZ accredited assessor. It is the responsibility of the person with aphasia’s SLT to liaise with TalkLink as appropriate if there are issues around AAC.
We loan devices to Friends of AphasiaNZ for up to 4 (four) months and welcome your enquiry.
More information (updated 31 August 2022) about the loaning programme is available here:
Aug 2022 iPad Loaning Information for SLTs and Professionals
Aug 2022 iPad Loaning Information for People with Aphasia
If you are an SLT/professional and you are currently working with a person with aphasia who may benefit from our device loaning programme, please review the document above and then contact the office to enquire about a device loan.
Resource Library
We have a large selection of books, workbooks and other resources for people with aphasia, those with a loved one with aphasia, and professionals working with people with aphasia. Like a normal library, the items are available for a set period of time at no cost.
Friends of AphasiaNZ can borrow items from the library for up to 6 weeks. To find out what’s available, or to ask for a recommendation, contact us.
One of the most popular books in our library is The Suspect Speaker – a book about aphasia authored by someone who is living with aphasia.
James Stephens, a long-time friend and supporter of AphasiaNZ, has written a clever and innovative account of how aphasia impacts the everyday lives of all those affected by it. His stories are both moving and funny. They are also encouraging and uplifting.
AphasiaNZ highly recommends The Suspect Speaker to anyone with experience of aphasia. We also believe that those with no knowledge of what aphasia is or the profound difficulties it can cause will come away with greatly enhanced understanding and empathy.
For more information about The Suspect Speaker, and the author, click below: