Our Supporters

With our Thanks
Aphasia is more common than Parkinson’s Disease, yet is a term which few have heard of, and even fewer have any knowledge about. We are committed to changing this and ensuring that people with aphasia do not find themselves isolated and marginalised by society.
We believe that working together is critical to identifying robust solutions that maximise the impact of our collective resources. Partnerships and collaborations with funding agencies, organisations, and individuals and their families have been and will continue to be critical to our success.
We would like to acknowledge our funders and those who have supported our services. Without them, the critical initiatives that we have undertaken since our inception wouldn’t be possible.
A big thank you to the following funders and grantmakers – organisations, groups, and individuals. Without their help, we would be unable to help people with aphasia. We receive no government or regular funding to do our work.
- Air Rescue and Community Services
- Akarana Community Trust
- Aotearoa Gaming Trust
- BayTrust
- Bendigo Valley Sports & Charity Foundation
- BlueSky Community Trust
- Braided River Community Trust
- Central Lakes Trust
- Christchurch Casino Charitable Community Trust
- Christchurch City Council
- Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS)
- Community Trust South
- Dunedin Casino Charitable Trust
- Dunedin City Council
- Eastern and Central Community Trust
- Estate of Gordon Lindsay Isaacs
- First Light Community Foundation
- Foundation North
- Four Winds Foundation
- GA Waddell CharitableTrust
- Grassroots Trust
- Grassroots Trust Central
- Hastings District Council
- Healthcare Otago Charitable Trust
- Higgins Bequest Trust
- Hutt Mana Charitable Trust
- ILT Foundation
- JM Thompson Charitable Trust
- Jack Jeffs Charitable Trust
- Johnsonville Charitable Trust
- Kingdom Foundation
- Kiwi Gaming Foundation
- Lion Foundation
- Lottery National
- Mainland Foundation
- Maurice Carter Charitable Trust
- Milestone Foundation
- North and South Trust
- One Foundation
- Otago Community Trust
- Oxford Sports Trust
- Perpetual Charitable Fund of Otago
- Philip Verry Charitable Foundation
- Pub Charity Limited
- Public Trust: A J Scott Fund, David Ellison Charitable Trust, L W Nelson Charitable Trust, T G Macarthy Trust, Louisa and Patrick Emmett Murphy Foundation, Page Charitable Trust, and Roy Owen Dixey Charitable Trust
- Rano Community Trust
- Rata Foundation
- Rehabilitation Welfare Trust
- Rotorua Community Fund
- Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust
- Royston Health Trust
- St Laurence’s Social Services Trust
- Sargood Bequest
- Southland Care and Welfare Trusts (Peter H McMillan Legacy Fund and Vernon Hall Trust Fund)
- Stewart Family Charitable Trust
- Tauranga City Council
- Trillian Trust
- Trust House Foundation
- Trust Waikato
- The Trusts Community Foundation
- Upper Hutt City Council
- Wairoa Community Trust (Taupo District Council)
- WEL Energy Trust
- Western Bay of Plenty Disability Support Trust (WBoP DST)
- Whanganui Community Foundation
- W N Pharazyn Charitable Trust
- And least but not least, a big thank you to all our individual donors. Your support is greatly appreciated.