AphasiaNZ Aphasia Days

What is an Aphasia Day?
- A workshop for people with aphasia, their carers, spouses and family members, and interested professionals
- A way for people living with aphasia in one area to come together
- A forum for people to find out more about AphasiaNZ
We offer Aphasia Days to raise awareness of aphasia in local communities, to identify unmet needs, and for fact-finding and fact-delivery
What are the Benefits of Attending?
- People with and affected by aphasia have opportunities to share strategies to live well with aphasia and meet others facing similar challenges
- People with aphasia can access information from professionals about what can help with recovery and adjusting to life with aphasia, e.g. how technology might help
- They are an opportunity to find out what’s happening locally and reduce isolation
What Happens After an Aphasia Day?
We assess the viability of AphasiaNZ-run services in the area (such as a local CAA). We also assist people in setting up groups and meetings and liaise with local professionals. One of the best things to come from Aphasia Days is new friendships and connections!
What about Conferences?
We will not be running any large international conferences at this point in time, instead focusing on smaller local events. There are several reasons for this, including the cost and accessibility issues for people with and affected by aphasia. Aphasia Days are free for people to attend, although a koha on the day is appreciated.
2022 Aphasia Days
Ashburton Aphasia Day: Thursday, 20th October 2022
At Hotel Ashburton, 11/35 Racecourse Road, Allenton.
For people with and affected by aphasia and professionals working with people with aphasia in the local area.
The Ashburton Aphasia Day is an opportunity for those with aphasia to meet other people, hear about what is happening around the country for people with aphasia, and find out what’s available locally. There will be lots of aphasia-friendly resources and information available.
There is no cost to come along – but we welcome a $10 donation on the day as we do not receive any government funding for our services.
Register your interest now and find out more by emailing Mel, our Aphasia Day Facilitator, here.
AphasiaNZ Biennial Conferences
Up until 2015 conferences were held every second year for people affected by aphasia, those working with people with aphasia, and anyone with an interest in aphasia.
Conferences served as a forum to raise awareness about aphasia and encourage people to discuss it publicly. In addition, they were a great opportunity for people with aphasia and those working with people with aphasia to get together, find out what was happening around New Zealand and overseas, and share feelings and thoughts in a supportive environment.
Conferences were held in Auckland, Rotorua and Wellington. The last conference was in Auckland and was attended by nearly 140 people in November 2015 at the Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre.