Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA)

Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a condition caused by gradual damage to the areas of the brain that control language.  People with PPA often have difficulty finding words, understanding conversations and reading and writing.

As the name suggests, this type of aphasia begins very subtly and progresses over time. The first sign is usually difficulty naming objects and people.

PPA is caused by degeneration in the brain, and so it is characterised as a type of dementia. Memory loss and personality change may occur in the later stages of the disease.

There are several sub-types of progressive aphasia:

  • Semantic dementia – Where people have difficulty remembering the meaning of words;
  • Progressive non-fluent aphasia – People find it harder to speak and make mistakes in how they say words and sentences;
  • Logopenic aphasia – People have trouble finding the words they want to use.

The websites below all have information about PPA:

National Aphasia Association (NAA)

Alzheimer’s Research UK

Rare Dementia Support UK

The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD)

Help and support in New Zealand is provided by:

  • AphasiaNZ – Community Aphasia Advisors can provide support. We also have a number of support groups and an information booklet specifically for PPA.
  • Dementia New Zealand / Phone: 0800 433 636
  • Alzheimer’s New Zealand / Phone: 0800 004 001

Speech-Language Therapy (SLT)

Speech-Language Therapists may help by providing communication advice and strategies. Therapy cannot reverse the effect of the degeneration. Some Health NZ providers do not provide SLT for communication difficulties associated with dementia – check with your local department.