About finity

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So far finity has created 27 blog entries.

Cathy’s story

My experience of aphasia In early 2024, I was diagnosed with Wernicke’s aphasia by a speech and language therapist, although my written and verbal speech had been negatively impacted since the middle of 2020. This 2024 diagnosis was a positive intervention in my four year health saga to have my neurological symptoms be seen as a physical, not psychological, issue. In the middle of 2020 I had an experience in my workplace where I didn’t understand what my manager was saying to me. I understood the topic. I could [...]


Di’s story

Di has Aphasia caused by Migraines My experience with aphasia and a tribute to my late husband, who helped me through the trauma. In December 2021, my beloved husband of 20 years died suddenly at the age of 71. It was a terrible shock, of course, but the biggest thing for me was losing my rock, the guy who understood me, the beautiful soul who was patient and kind. In 2000 I separated from my first husband after 25 years of marriage. It had been a traumatic marriage for various [...]


Colin and Fiona’s story

Living with Aphasia: Colin and Fiona ‘I have aphasia, it makes it hard for me to communicate sometimes because the language part of my brain was affected by a massive stroke. Communication allows people to know me – so struggling can affect how people see me and treat me and also how I feel about myself. It can be really frustrating – knowing exactly what I want to say and just NOT BEING ABLE TO GET MY BRAIN TO GIVE ME THE WORDS I WANT!! The good news is, [...]


Roger’s Story

Roger suffered a stroke in May 2007, which left him with aphasia. Below is Roger’s story, in his own words. Today is the annual of my head trauma – my stroke. Fortunately I had no physical impairment, but I lost all but all (sic) language – couldn’t speak, write or read and couldn’t remember of even (sic) the simplest of words. In the medical jargon, it has aphasia (sic). I spent 5 weeks in hospital. Initially no one knew what my prognosis was. But I got, and still am [...]


Supported Conversation Workshops – register now!

Our Supported Conversation Workshops for whānau and friends are designed to help you have more enjoyable conversations with your loved one/friend who has aphasia. Each training has two parts - an initial workshop and a follow-up session. These are held over Zoom.  The first workshop will be held on Tuesday 18th March from 5pm-7pm. The follow-up session is on Tuesday 29th April from 5pm until 6.30pm.If you are keen please register as soon as possible. The second workshop this year will be on Tuesday 2nd September from 5-7pm, with the [...]


AphasiaNZ’s work in 2023-2024

Aphasia New Zealand (AphasiaNZ) Charitable Trust is focused on providing high quality, professional support, information, training and resources for people affected by aphasia. Our Mission is to empower people with aphasia to participate in their communities. AphasiaNZ has Community Aphasia Advisors (CAAs) across New Zealand, who provide free professional support services, resources, information, and advice to people living with, or affected by, aphasia. Did you know AphasiaNZ receives no government or regular funding? Aphasia can happen to anyone. Donations help to fund support services for people [...]


The Emma Castle Award for Excellence in Aphasia

This award celebrates annually someone who has been an outstanding ambassador or inspiration for people with aphasia, or who has carried out exceptional research to benefit people with aphasia. Nominations are open to people with aphasia, family/whānau and friends, Speech Language Therapists and other people with an interest in aphasia. The award consists of $1000 and the recipient and runners-up are featured in our news and on our social media. Nominations open in March, and close at the beginning of Aphasia Awareness Month in June. Please get in touch [...]

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