AphasiaNZ’s work in 2023-2024

Aphasia New Zealand (AphasiaNZ) Charitable Trust is focused on providing high quality, professional support, information, training and resources for people affected by aphasia. Our Mission is to empower people with aphasia to participate in their communities. AphasiaNZ has Community Aphasia Advisors (CAAs) across New Zealand, who provide free professional support services, resources, information, and advice to people living with, or affected by, aphasia. Did you know AphasiaNZ receives no government or regular funding? Aphasia can happen to anyone. Donations help to fund support services for people [...]


The Emma Castle Award for Excellence in Aphasia

This award celebrates annually someone who has been an outstanding ambassador or inspiration for people with aphasia, or who has carried out exceptional research to benefit people with aphasia. Nominations are open to people with aphasia, family/whānau and friends, Speech Language Therapists and other people with an interest in aphasia. The award consists of $1000 and the recipient and runners-up are featured in our news and on our social media. Nominations open in March, and close at the beginning of Aphasia Awareness Month in June. Please get in touch [...]

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