Donate to AphasiaNZ

Did you know AphasiaNZ receives no government or regular funding?

Aphasia can happen to anyone.  Donations help to fund vital support services for people in New Zealand affected by aphasia (including family) and support our awareness and education campaigns. Can you make a donation to help give a voice to people with aphasia?

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible (for people with income, donating $5 or more).

Thank you very much for your support for our work.

For donations using a credit or debit card via PayPal please click this donate button. This will allow one-off or monthly donations.

For donations using direct bank transfer or using your credit card via Stripe please use this form.

Could you donate to support AphasiaNZ’s work via Payroll Giving?

If you are employed and your employer has payroll services, you can help us through Payroll Giving. Payroll Giving allows you to make donations directly from your pay and receive immediate tax credits via PAYE. This means that if you donate more than $5, you will receive a third of the donation as a tax rebate. For example, if you ask your employer to set up a donation of $10 each pay, you will have a reduction of $6.66 on your take-home pay. You also do not need to keep any receipts or file a donation claim form with the IRD. If you like this idea, please share it with your colleagues!

We have a payroll giving form which you can download here. Please talk with your employer, complete the details and pass the form on to your payroll department.